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Microsoft Project is a project management software program created for businesses and freelance professionals to help better manage individual projects that occur within companies. Although no project management software should be used to replace project management techniques or adequate training of management and staff, Project can and will improve the efficiency, organization, and sometimes even the speed of which a project is completed.

Both the beginner and seasoned Project user can benefit from this course, starting with the basics of the program including navigation and continuing on to more advanced features. You do not need to have access to Project to take or successfully complete this course. However, it is recommended. A 60 day free trial for Project is available on the Microsoft website. Open Main Menu. Browse Courses My Classes. Sign In Subscribe Course Catalog.

Both the beginner and seasoned Project user can benefit from this course. Students have taken this course. Course Description. Courses Frequently Bought Together:. Lesson 1: Introduction to MS Project xlsx Lesson discussions: Reasons for Taking this Course Complete: Assignment 1 Assessment: Exam 1. When you open Project for the first time, you have a few choices in how you want to get started.

Additional lesson topics: Microsoft Project Demonstration; Microsoft Project Tutorial 11 Total Points Lesson 2 Video Complete: Assignment 2 Assessment: Exam 2. Although the purpose of this course is to teach you how to use Project , Project can only manage the information about the project that you give it.

Being able to enter tasks is critical, not only to your project, but to being able to use Project successfully. xlsx Complete: Assignment 4 Complete Assignment: Project 1 Assessment: Exam 4. Additional lesson topics: Split a view 11 Total Points Lesson 5 Video Complete: Assignment 5 Assessment: Exam 5. In Project , the calendar shows the various hours in a workday, the days in a work week, holidays, and nonworking days on which a project schedule is based.

Additional lesson topics: Add a calendar to a task 11 Total Points Lesson 6 Video Complete: Assignment 6 Assessment: Exam 6. Taking the time to organize your tasks will make managing them easier – and improve the efficiency of your team while working on the project. Additional lesson topics: Create and work with subtasks and summary tasks; Project management goal: Create a new project schedule 11 Total Points Lesson 7 Video Complete: Assignment 7 Assessment: Exam 7.

Lesson 8: Working with Task Duration, Constraints, and Deadlines. Whenever you create a task, you have to set the duration for the task, or how long it will take to complete. Additional lesson topics: Types of task links; Link and Unlink Tasks 16 Total Points Lesson 8 Video Complete: Assignment 8 Complete Assignment: Project 2 Assessment: Exam 8. A dependency in Project is defined as a timing relationship between two tasks in a project – or tasks that are a predecessor-successor pair.

In this lesson, we are going to learn about resources in Project and how to apply them to your project. Additional lesson topics: How to Add Resources to Tasks; Enter costs for resources 11 Total Points Lesson 10 Video Complete: Assignment 10 Assessment: Exam The key to successful projects and excellent project management is finding the right resources.

Additional lesson topics: Resource Management Engagements; Understanding Resource Engagements in Microsoft Project ; Project Online: Resource Management and Capacity Planning 11 Total Points Lesson 11 Video Complete: Assignment 11 Assessment: Exam When you want to track the progress being made on a project, you must enter different kinds of information.

Additional lesson topics: Actual Work fields; Show the Time in MS Project Start and End Date Fields 16 Total Points Lesson 12 Video Complete: Assignment 12 Complete Assignment: Project 3 Assessment: Exam It is important that you map out what information you need to track as the project commences and advances. Additional lesson topics: Project collaboration and communication with Sway 11 Total Points Lesson 13 Video Complete: Assignment 13 Assessment: Exam By definition, a baseline is the detailed project against which actual work is tracked.

Additional lesson topics: Set and save a baseline 11 Total Points Lesson 14 Video Complete: Assignment 14 Assessment: Exam In this lesson, we are going to show you how to format elements of the Project screen, as well as teach you to create customized templates.

Additional lesson topics: How to Format a Gantt Chart; File formats supported by Project 11 Total Points Lesson 15 Video Complete: Assignment 15 Assessment: Exam Reports show how costs are accumulating, what tasks are in progress, and which ones still need to start.

In this lesson, we are going to teach you how to print in Project. Describe what MS Project is and what its capabilities are. Define and create projects. Describe entering and scheduling tasks. Describe Project views. Demonstrate organizing tasks.

Demonstrate working with task duration, constraints, and deadlines. Describe dependencies. Summarize resource management. Identify tracking work in project. Summarize communication and progress updates. Describe using baselines. Describe customizing and formatting your project. Describe running reports. Describe consolidating projects and resources. Summarize printing project information. Additional Course Information. Document Your Lifelong Learning Achievements Earn an Official Certificate Documenting Course Hours and CEUs Verify Your Certificate with a Unique Serial Number Online.

Course Title: Microsoft Project Languages: English – United States, Canada and other English speaking countries. Category: UniversalClass. CEU Value: 0. CE Accreditation: Universal Class, Inc.

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Straightforward, easy-to-follow instruction pairs with real-world, hands-on exercises to help you quickly get up to speed with core features and functions; screenshots illustrate tutorial steps to help you follow along, and each chapter concludes with a more open-ended project so you can dive in and explore a specific topic in-depth. How long is the Revit free trial? How do I extend the Revit free trial? How do I troubleshoot Revit download issues?

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